蒲亦非,博士、双博士后、四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)教授、博士生导师、四川省千人计划创新人才、自动化学会分数阶系统与控制专委会副主任。蒲老师长期聚焦基于分数阶微积分的现代信号处理这一新兴学科分支的尝试性探索和系统研究。提出图像处理最基本的6种分数阶微分算子,获广泛引用并以其名字对算子命名;提出分抗的度量单位和物理量纲,获分数阶电路领域国际著名学者评价“分数阶电路元件的度量单位和物理量纲一个意义重大的概述由申请人的两篇论文总结”;将迷失的第四种电路元件忆阻推广到分数阶,用模拟电路实现国际上第一个分数阶忆阻。近5年在IEEE Trans. ImageProcess., IEEE Trans. Neur. Net. Lear., IEEE Trans. Circuits-I, Int. J.Neural Syst.等重要期刊发表SCI论文40篇(一作20篇),SCI他引330次(一作单篇SCI最高83次);第一发明人获授权发明专利13项;2018年个人获奖吴文俊人工智能自然科学奖三等奖。
4.中国博士后科学基金项目:分数阶微积分在生物医学图像处理中的应用研究, No. 20060401016,2006-2008年, 4万,负责人;(2006年四川省共只成功申请了10 余项中国博士后科学基金项目)
5.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:分数阶微积分在医学MRI图像处理中的应用研究,No. 20111139-7,2011-2013年,4万,负责人;
6.四川省学术和技术带头人培养支持经费资助项目:分数阶偏微分方程在纹理图像去噪中应用的理论与技术研究,No.川人社办发(2016)183-5, 2017-2017年,6万,负责人;
8.四川省科技创新创业领军人才基金项目:分数阶印刷品图像防伪技术在食品防伪溯源系统中的应用,No. 2014RZ0016,2014-2016年,30万,负责人;
10.四川省科技支撑计划项目:基于分数阶微积分的去除医学MRI运动伪影的关键技术研究, No. 2013SZ0071,2013-2017年,20万,负责人;
11.四川省科技支撑计划项目:车载疲劳驾驶检测系统的关键技术及应用研究,No. 2011GZ0201,2011-2015年,10万,负责人;
12.四川省重大科技成果转化项目:食品防伪溯源系统产业化,No. 2012SC0041, 2012-2017年,100万,负责人;
3.2007年10月入选为四川省优秀博士学位论文,分数阶微积分在现代信号分析与处理中应用的研究(个人获奖,获奖人:蒲亦非),颁奖单位:四川省人民政府政府学术委员会、四川省教育厅(2007 年四川省所有学科2900多篇博士学位论文中,入选39 篇省优秀博士学位论文)。
1.作者:蒲亦非、张妮、周激流. 书名:《信号处理的分数阶微积分原理(Fractional Calculus Principles of Signal Processing)》,待刊,近期.
作者:周激流、蒲亦非、廖科. 专著名:《分数阶微积分原理及其在现代信号分析与处理中的应用》,科学出版社 ,2010. (首部系统论述分数阶微积分在信号处理中应用的理论书籍)
2.作者:张妮、蒲亦非. 专著名:《计算法学导论》,四川大学出版社 ,2015.6.(首部关于计算法学的理论书籍)
3.作者:周激流、蒲亦非、张意、刘彦. 专著名:《分数阶微积分图像修复模型在医学CT图像金属伪影去除中的应用》,四川大学出版社,2015.12.
4.作者:周激流、蒲亦非、刘彦、张意. 专著名:《分数阶系统的电路设计及应用》,四川大学出版社,2015.12.
5.作者:周激流、蒲亦非、黄果、陈庆利. 专著名:《分数阶微积分理论在图像增强和去噪中的应用》,四川大学出版社,2015.12.
1.Yi-Fei PU, and Bo YU. “A Large Dynamic Range Floating Memristor Emulator with Equal Port Current Restriction,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, accepted to be published, 2019.
2.Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, and Huai WANG. “Fractional-Order Spatial Steganography and Blind Steganalysis for Printed Matter: Anti-Counterfeiting for Product External Packing in Internet-of-Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, Vol. 6, No. 4, 6368-6383. (SCI IF: 9.515)
3.Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, Zheng-Ning WANG, Jian WANG, Zhang YI, Yan WANG, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional-Order Retinex for Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Under-Exposed Traffic Images,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, accepted to be published, 2018. (SCI IF: 3.654)论文链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8637169
4.Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN and Bo YU. “Analog Circuit Implementation of Fractional-Order Memristor: Arbitrary-Order Lattice Scaling Fracmemristor,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 2903-2916, Sept. 2018. (SCI IF: 3.934)
5.Yi-Fei PU, Patrick SIARRY, Amitava CHATTERJEE, Zheng-Ning WANG, Yi-Guang LIU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Yan WANG. “A Fractional-Order Variational Framework for Retinex: Fractional-Order Partial Differential Equation Based Formulation for Multi-scale Nonlocal Contrast Enhancement with Texture Preserving,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1214-1229, 2018. (SCI IF: 6.79)
6.Yi-Fei PU, Zhang YI, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Defense against Chip Cloning Attacks Based on Fractional Hopfield Neural Networks,” International Journal of Neural Systems, vol. 27, no. 4, Article ID 1750003, 28 pages, 2017. (SCI IF: 6.4)
7.Yi-Fei PU, Zhang YI, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional Hopfield Neural Networks: Fractional Dynamic Associative Recurrent Neural Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 2319-2333, 2017. (SCI IF: 11.683)
8.Yi-Fei PU. “Fractional-Order Euler-Lagrange Equation for Fractional-Order Variational Method: A Necessary Condition for Fractional-Order Fixed Boundary Optimization Problems in Signal Processing and Image Processing,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 10110-10135, 2016. (SCI IF: 4.098)
9.Yi-Fei PU. “Analog Circuit Realization of Arbitrary-Order Fractional Hopfield Neural Networks: A Novel Application of Fractor to Defense against Chip Cloning Attacks,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 5417-5435, 2016. (SCI IF: 4.098)
10.Yi-Fei PU. “Measurement Units and Physical Dimensions of Fractance-Part I: Position of Purely Ideal Fractor in Chua's Axiomatic Circuit Element System and Fractional-Order Reactance of Fractor in Its Natural Implementation,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 3379-3397, 2016. (SCI IF: 4.098)
11.Yi-Fei PU. “Measurement Units and Physical Dimensions of Fractance-Part II: Fractional-Order Measurement Units and Physical Dimensions of Fractance and Rules for Fractors in Series and Parallel,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 3398-3416, 2016. (SCI IF: 4.098)
12.Yi-Fei PU, and Xiao YUAN. “Fracmemristor: Fractional-Order Memristor,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 1872-1888, 2016.(SCI IF: 4.098)
13.Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, ZHANG Yi, Ni ZHANG, Guo HUANG, and Patrick Siarry. “Fractional Extreme Value Adaptive Training Method: Fractional Steepest Descent Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol.26, no.4, pp. 653-662, 2015. (SCI IF: 11.683)
14.Yi-Fei PU, Patrick SIARRY, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Yi-Guang LIU, Ni ZHANG, Guo HUANG, and Yi-Zhi LIU. “Fractional Partial Differential Equation Denoising Models for Texture Image,” Science China Information Sciences, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1-19, 2014.(SCI IF: 2.731)
15.Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Xiao YUAN. “Fractional Differential Mask: A Fractional Differential Based Approach for Multi-scale Texture Enhancement,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.19, no.2, pp. 491-511, 2010. (SCI IF: 6.79)
16.Yi-Fei PU, Wei-Xing WANG, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Yi-Yang WANG, and Hua-Ding JIA. “Fractional Differential Approach to Detecting Textural Features of Digital Image and Its Fractional Differential Filter Implementation,” Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 1319-1339, 2008.(SCI IF: 2.731)
17.Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, Huai WANG, Shu-Shu CHEN, Xiao YUAN, and Li SHU. “Order-Frequency Characteristics of a Promising Circuit Element: Fractor,” Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, vol. 25, no. 12, Article ID 1650156, 17 pages, 2016. (SCI IF: 0.939)
18.Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, Yi ZHANG, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A Texture Image Denoising Approach Based on Fractional Developmental Mathematics,” Pattern Analysis and Applications, vol.19, no.2, pp. 427-445, 2016. (SCI IF: 1.41)
19.Yi-Fei PU, Patrick Siarry, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Ni ZHANG. “A Fractional Partial Differential Equation Based Multi-Scale Denoising Model for Texture Image,” Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1784-1806, 2014. (SCI IF: 1.533)
20.Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Patrick Siarry, Ni ZHANG, and Yi-Guang LIU. “Fractional Partial Differential Equation: Fractional Total Variation and Fractional Steepest Descent Approach Based Multi-Scale Denoising Model for Texture Image,” Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol.2013, Article ID 483791, 19 pages, 2013.(SCI IF: 1.318)
21.Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A Novel Approach for Multi-scale Texture Segmentation Based on Fractional Differential,” International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 88, no.1, pp. 58-78, 2011. (SCI IF: 1.196)
22.Chao REN, Xiao-Hai HE, Yi-Fei PU, and Truong Q. Nguyen. “Enhanced Non-Local Total Variation Model and Multi-Directional Feature Prediction Prior for Single Image Super Resolution,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 28, no.8, pp. 3778 - 3793 2019. (SCI IF: 6.79)
23.Qiu-Yan HE, Yi-Fei PU*, Bo YU, and Xiao YUAN. “Scaling Fractal-Chuan Fractance Approximation Circuits of Arbitrary-Order,” Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, accepted to be published, 2019. (SCI IF: 1.998, 通信作者)
24.Bo YU, Yi-Fei PU*, and Qiu-Yan HE. “Fractional-Order Dual-Slope Integral Fast Analog-to-Digital Converter with High Sensitivity,” Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, accepted to be published, 2019. (SCI IF: 0.939,通信作者)
25.Qiang DAI, Yi-Fei PU*, Ziaur RAHMAN, and Muhammad AAMIR. “Fractional-Order Fusion Model for Low-Light Image Enhancement,” Symmetry, vol. 11, no. 4, Article ID sym11040574, 17 pages, 2019. (SCI IF: 2.143, 通信作者)
26.Muhammad AAMIR, Yi-Fei PU*, Ziaur RAHMAN, Muhammad TAHIR, Hamad NAEEM, and Qiang DAI. “A Framework for Automatic Building Detection from Low-Contrast Satellite Images,” Symmetry, vol. 11, no. 1, Article ID sym11010003, 19 pages, 2019. (SCI IF: 2.143, 通信作者)
27.Ziaur RAHMAN, Muhammad AAMIR, Yi-Fei PU*, Farhan ULLAH, and Qiang DAI. “A Smart System for Low-Light Image Enhancement with Color Constancy and Details Manipulation in Complex Light Environment,” Symmetry, vol. 10, no. 12, Article ID sym10120718, 15 pages, 2018. (SCI IF: 2.143, 通信作者)
28.Li Xu, Guo Huang, and Yi-Fei PU*. “Numerical Simulation Research of Fracmemristor Circuit Based on HP Memristor,” Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, vol. 27, no. 14, Article ID 1850227, 16 pages, 2018. (SCI IF: 0.939,通信作者)
29.Chao REN, Xiao-Hai HE, and Yi-Fei PU. “Nonlocal Similarity Modeling and Deep CNN Gradient Prior for Super Resolution,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 916-920, 2018. (SCI IF: 3.268)
Ni ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Sui-Quan YANG, Ji-Liu ZHOU and Jin-Kang GAO. “An Ontological Chinese Legal Consultation System ,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 18250-18261, 2017. (SCI IF: 4.098)
30.Yan WANG, Guangkai Ma, Le An, Feng Shi, Pei Zhang, David S. Lalush, Xi WU, Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Dinggang Shen. “Semi-Supervised Tripled Dictionary Learning for Standard-dose PET Image Prediction using Low-dose PET and Multimodal MRI,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 569-579, 2017. (SCI IF: 4.491)
31.Yi ZHANG, Yan WANG, Wei-HUA ZHANG, Feng LIN, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Using Adaptive Fractional Order Regularization,”Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1015-1029, 2016. (SCI IF 3.91)
32.Yi-Guang LIU, Yin-Jie LEI, Chun-Guang LI, Wen-Zheng XU, and Yi-Fei PU. “A Random Algorithm for Low-Rank Decomposition of Large-Scale Matrices with Missing Entries,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 4502-4511, 2015. (SCI IF: 6.79)
33.Yong-Qing ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Hai-Sen ZHANG, Yong CONG, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “An extended fractional Kalman filter for inferring gene regulatory networks using time-series data,” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, vol.138, pp. 57-63, 2014. (SCI IF 2.786)
34.Yan WANG, Wen-Zao LI, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Xiao-Hua LI, and Yi-Fei PU. “Identification of normal and abnormal heart sound using wavelet-time entropy features based on OMS-WPD,” Future Generation Computer System, Article ID FUTURE2548, 2014. (SCI IF 5.768)
35.Yong-Qing ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Hai-Sen ZHANG, Yong CONG, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Using gene express-ion programming to infer gene regulatory networks from time-series data,” Computational Biology and Chemistry, vol.47, pp. 198-206, 2013. (SCI IF 1.595)
36.Yi-Guang LIU, Li-Ping CAO, Chun-Ling LIU, Yi-Fei PU, and Hong CHENG. “Recovering shape and motion by a dynamic system for low-rank matrix approximation in L (1) norm,” Visual Computer, vol.29, no.5, pp. 421-431, 2013. (SCI IF 1.415)
37.Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Wei-Hua ZHANG, Jin-Rong HU, Han WANG, Yin-Jie LEI, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A novel noniterative metal artifacts reduction method using coherent transport with fast marching in CT,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. vol.22, no. 4, pp. 200-207, 2012. (SCI IF 1.254)
38.Yan LIU, Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Xiao-Dong SHEN. “Design of -1/2n order analog fractance approximation circuit using continued fractions decomposition,” Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol.34, no.6, pp. 1388-1392, 2012. (SCI IF 0.939)
39.Yan LIU, Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Xiao-Dong SHEN. “Design and Behavior Study of 1/2(n) Order Fractional Controllers based on RC Elements,” Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, vol.15, no.4, pp. 1663-1673, 2012. (SCI IF 0.25)
40.Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Jin-Rong HU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A class of fractional-order variation image inpainting models,” Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, vol. 6, no.2, pp. 299-306, 2012. (SCI IF 0.731)
41.Jin-Rong HU, Yi-Fei PU, Xi WU, Yi ZHANG, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Improved DCT-based nonlocal means filter for MR Images Denoising,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012, Article ID 232685, 14 pages, 2012. (SCI IF 1.563)
42.Yi-Guang LIU, Bing-Bing LIU, Yi-Fei PU, Xiao-Hui CHEN, and Hong CHENG. “Low-rank matrix decomposition in L-1-norm by dynamic systems,” Image and Vision Computing, vol.30, no.11, pp. 915-921, 2012. (SCI IF 2.747)
43.Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Jin-Rong HU. “Efficient CT metal artifacts reduction based on fractional-order curvature diffusion,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Article ID 173748, 9 pages, 2011. (SCI IF 1.563)
44.Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Jin-Rong HU. “A new CT metal artifacts reduction algorithm based on fractional-order sinogram inpainting,” Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, vol.19, no. 3, pp. 373-384, 2011. (SCI IF 1.662)
45.Ni ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU*, Sui-Quan YANG, Jin-Kang GAO, Zhu WANG and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A Chinese Legal Intelligent Auxiliary Discretionary Adviser Based on GA-BP NNs,” The Electronic Library, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1135-1153, 2018. (SSCI IF: 0.886, 通信作者)