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论文|Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, Zheng-Ning WANG, Jian WANG, Zhang YI, Yan WANG, and Ji-Liu ZHOU:Fractional-Order Retinex for Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Under-Exposed Traffic Images


本文(Fractional-Order Retinex for Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Under-Exposed Traffic Images)原载IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine,四川大学计算机学院蒲亦非教授等科研人员创作,系四川大学“智慧法治”超前部署学科系列学术成果。后续会持续分享四川大学“智慧法治”超前部署学科系列学术成果,欢迎大家阅读。

In this paper, a Fractional-order Retinex (FR) for the adaptive contrast enhancement of Under-Exposed Traffic Images (UETI) is proposed to be achieved by the fractional-order variational method. The disposable reconstructive results of the contrast enhancement of UETI play a significant role in traffic safety and are often taken as intermediate results for the traffic virtual reality and augmented reality of intelligent transportation systems. To this end, this paper proposes a state-ofthe-art application of a promising mathematical method, fractional calculus, to extend the classic integer-order Retinex to the fractional-order one, a FR, which leads to a fractional-order algebraic regularization term and contributes to better conditioning of the reconstruction problem. At first, the fractional-order isotropic equation related to a FR is implemented by the Fractional-order Steepest Descent Method (FSDM). Secondly, the corresponding restrictive fractional-order optimization is achieved. Finally, the capability of a FR to non-linearly preserve complex textural details as well as desired contrast enhancing is validated by experimental analysis, which is a major advantage superior to conventional contrast enhancement algorithms, especially for UETI rich in textural details. The paper gives a novel mathematical approach, fractional calculus, to the family of Retinex algorithms that differs from most of the previous approaches and as such, it represents an interesting theoretical contribution.

Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG,  Zheng-Ning WANG, Jian WANG, Zhang YI, Yan WANG,  and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional-Order Retinex for Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Under-Exposed Traffic Images,”  IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 149-159, Feb. 2021. (SCI IF: 3.654)(论文下载)