会议通知 | 四川省法学会人工智能与大数据法治研究会会员大会暨2024年年会通知
会议议程 | 四川省法学会人工智能与大数据法治研究会2023年年会暨“人工智能与数据法律风险研讨会”
会议议程|11.04 中国民商法海南冬季论坛——数据法学的当下和未来
本文(Online Sparse Representation Clustering for Evolving Data Streams)原载IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,由四川大学陈杰副教授等科研人员创作,系四川大学智慧法治超前部署学科系列学术成果。后续会持续分享四川大学智慧法治超前部署学科系列学术成果,欢迎大家阅读。
Data stream clustering can be performed to discover the patterns underlying continuously arriving sequences of data. A number of data stream clustering algorithms for finding clusters in arbitrary shapes and handling outliers, such as density-based clustering algorithms, have been proposed. However, these algorithms are often limited in their ability to construct and merge microclusters by measuring the Euclidean distances between high-dimensional data objects, e.g., transferring valuable knowledge from historical landmark windows to the current landmark window, and exploiting evolving subspace structures adaptively. We propose an online sparse representation clustering (OSRC) method to learn an affinity matrix for evaluating the relationships among high-dimensional data objects in evolving data streams. We first introduce a low-dimensional projection (LDP) into sparse representation to adaptively reduce the potential negative influence associated with the noise and redundancy contained in high-dimensional data. Then, we take advantage of the l2,1 -norm optimization technique to choose the appropriate number of representative data objects and form a specific dictionary for sparse representation. The specific dictionary is integrated into sparse representation to adaptively exploit the evolving subspace structures of the high-dimensional data objects. Moreover, the data object representatives from the current landmark window can transfer valuable knowledge to the next landmark window. The experimental results based on a synthetic dataset and six benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to that of state-of-the-art methods for data stream clustering.
Jie Chen, Shengxiang Yang, Conor Fahy, Zhu Wang, Yinan Guo, Yingke Chen. “Online Sparse Representation Clustering for Evolving Data Streams”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023.(论文下载)