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AI in LAW Advanced Deployed Discipline of Sichuan University

Relying on the national key research and development plan project group, Sichuan University takes the "data mining rule of law experience with big data parlance; data-driven rule of law construction, so that the rule of law can be calculated" as the construction idea, and establishes the "smart rule of law" advanced deployment discipline.


This discipline integrates disciplines such as law, mathematics, statistics, computer science and technology, Chinese language and literature, and journalism and communication. It integrates law construction and decision-making consulting in law school, statistics and computational mathematics in school of mathematics, and artificial intelligence in computer school. Combined with the four research teams of Data Fusion Analysis and Applied Language and Information Dissemination of the School of Literature and Journalism, it has realized and further strengthened the major cross of the "information + liberal arts" in the arts, sciences, and engineering.


Sichuan University ’s “Wisdom and Rule of Law” advanced deployment discipline has set a three-step development plan of “Wisdom Court → Wisdom Politics and Law → Wisdom Rule of Law”, and has set “Scientific Decision Making on Wisdom and Rule of Law” and “Cognitive and Intelligent Technology Centered on Knowledge of Rule of Law” And “multi-modal rule-of-law data fusion analysis equipment” three key construction directions, and strive to become one of the three recognized domestic research centers of smart rule of law in 2020, and become China ’s leading three global smart rule of law decision-making think tanks and R & D in 2030 The center will become a world-renowned high-end think tank and technology center for smart rule of law decisions in 2050.


In the future, Sichuan University ’s "Smart Wisdom and Rule of Law" advanced deployment disciplines will closely follow the pace of the "Six Outstanding and Top-notch" talent training plan 2.0, guided by the nation's "Comprehensive Rule of Law" strategy, and train and deliver interdisciplinary theoretical research And practical talent.