会议通知 | 四川省法学会人工智能与大数据法治研究会会员大会暨2024年年会通知
会议议程 | 四川省法学会人工智能与大数据法治研究会2023年年会暨“人工智能与数据法律风险研讨会”
会议议程|11.04 中国民商法海南冬季论坛——数据法学的当下和未来
· 会议日程 / Agenda ·
· 报告摘要 / Abstract ·
Exploring Redundancy in Deep Neural Networks
报告人:Chenglong BAO (Tsinghua University, China)
The deep neural networks have been widely used in many applications and the classification accuracy increases as the network goes bigger. However, the huge computation and storage have prevented their deployments in resource-limited devices. In this talk, we will first show that there exists redundancy in current CNNs under the PAC framework. Second, we will propose the self-distillation technique that can compress the deep neural networks with dynamic inference.
Biological and Artificial Neural Networks-Macroscopic Principle of Edge-of-Chaos
报告人:Ling FENG (A*STAR/National University of Singapore, Singapore)
The artificial neural networks, in particular deep learning, have been extremely successful in tasks like computer vision and natural language processing. The foundational principle is from neural science, that the network of non-linear interactions is mimicked to enable artificial learning. But such principle is only the microscopic principle of how our brain works. In order for the individual non-linear interactions to work in concert to give rise to ‘intelligence’, the intricate ways that they stacked up with each other play a central role. One of the main ‘macroscopic’ principles found in biological brains is the hypothesis that the whole neural system operates at a critical state between stable and unstable phases, such that it can be the most adaptive and sensitive to a wide range of stimulus. But how about artificial brains like deep neural network? In this talk I am going to talk about our recent finding that indeed an optimal artificial brain operates near this critical state of ‘edge-of-chaos’ like their biological counterpart. But unlike the biological brains which are hard to track and manipulate their individual neurones for theoretical exploration, the artificial neural networks present immense opportunities to carry out in-depth study of their stability behaviours. We found that the deep neural networks evolve to exhibits two opposite forces that induces order and and disorder respectively. At the optimal point, the two forces in the neural network balance out each other to achieve the ‘edge-of-chaos’ state such that highest expressivity is attained.
Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds for Compressive Sensing with Generative Models
报告人:Zhaoqiang LIU (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
The goal of standard compressive sensing is to estimate an unknown vector from linear measurements under the assumption of sparsity in some basis. Recently, it has been shown that significantly fewer measurements may be required if the sparsity assumption is replaced by the assumption that the unknown vector lies near the range of a suitably-chosen generative model. In particular, in (Bora et al., 2017) it was shown that roughly O(k log L) random Gaussian measurements suffice for accurate recovery when the k-input generative model is bounded and L- Lipschitz, and that O(kd log w) measurements suffice for k-input ReLU networks with depth d and width w. We establish corresponding algorithm-independent lower bounds on the sample complexity using tools from minimax statistical analysis and prove that the scaling laws derived in (Bora et al., 2017) are optimal or near-optimal in the absence of further assumptions.
报告人:Caifeng GONG (国家癌症中心,中国医学科学院肿瘤医院, China)
Modelling the interatomic potential by deep learning
报告人:Han WANG (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China)
In silico design of molecules requires an accurate description of the interatomic potential. In the context of molecular simulation, one usually faces the dilemma that the first principle potential energies are accurate but computationally expensive, while the empirical force fields are efficient but of limited accuracy. In this talk, we try to solve this dilemma by using recently developed deep learning and active learning algorithms. We discuss the topic in two aspects: model construction and data generation. In terms of model construction, we introduce the Deep Potential scheme based on a many-body potential and interatomic forces generated by a carefully crafted deep neural network trained with first principle data. We show that the proposed scheme provides an efficient and accurate protocol for a variety of systems, including bulk materials and molecules, and, in particular, for some challenging systems like a high-entropy alloy system. In terms of data generation, we present a new active learning approach named Deep Potential Generator (DP-GEN), which is an iterative procedure including exploration, labeling, and training steps. By the example system of Al-Mg alloys, we demonstrate that DP-GEN can generate uniformly accurate potential energy models with a minimum number of labeled data.
报告人:Yang WENG (Sichuan University, China)
报告人:Qifang ZHAO (Alibaba Inc, China)