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论文|Zhongxuan Liu, Jingyi Xu, Jiayou Shi:He Jiankuis unprecedented offense and worrying comeback: how the CRISPR-babies scandal reshaped the legal governance of scientific research in China?


本文(He Jiankuis unprecedented offense and worrying comeback: how the CRISPR-babies scandal reshaped the legal governance of scientific research in China? 原载Journal of Responsible Innovation四川大学法学院助理研究员刘忠炫等科研人员创作,系四川大学智慧法治超前部署学科系列学术成果。后续会持续分享四川大学智慧法治超前部署学科系列学术成果,欢迎大家阅读。

Scientific scandals are catalyst for the evolution process of legal governance. The 2018 CRISPR-babies Incident has essentially triggered Chinas legal reforms of ethics governance in science and technology. This paper explores the institutional deficiency that led to such scandal, analyzes its long-term implications for legal governance, and presents Chinas recent legal progress in response for such issue. The underlying reasons for legal reform are social development, public concerns, and the determination of policymakers, rather than a single incident of scientific scandal itself. The rapid legislative response to CRISPR-babies Incident is a double-edged sword, while promoting the improvement of the legal system, can also cause issues like fragmentation of governance, contradictory rules, and conflict of interest. China must balance the conflict of interest between the freedom of scientific research and human rights protection based on the ethics first value, integrate departmental norms, and upgrade their level of effectiveness. Among them, strengthening legislation is the implementation path, improving ethical review, external supervision and scientific research integrity system are the crucial means. In addition, it is necessary to bring the coordinating function of the Central Science and Technology Commission into full play and pay more attention to public engagement and international cooperation.

Zhongxuan Liu, Jingyi Xu, Jiayou Shi. He Jiankuis unprecedented offense and worrying comeback: how the CRISPR-babies scandal reshaped the legal governance of scientific research in China? Journal of Responsible Innovation,2024.(论文下载)