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论文|JieChen,Sheng xiang Yang,Hua Mao,Conor Fahy:Multiview Subspace Clustering Using Low-Rank Representation


本文Multiview Subspace Clustering Using Low-Rank Representation原载IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics( Early Access )四川大学计算机学院陈杰副教授等科研人员创作,系四川大学“智慧法治”超前部署学科系列学术成果。后续会持续分享四川大学“智慧法治”超前部署学科系列学术成果,欢迎大家阅读。

Multiview subspace clustering is one of the most widely used methods for exploiting the internal structures of multiview data. Most previous studies have performed the task of learning multiview representations by individually constructing an affinity matrix for each view without simultaneously exploiting the intrinsic characteristics of multiview data. In this article, we propose a multiview low-rank representation (MLRR) method to comprehensively discover the correlation of multiview data for multiview subspace clustering. MLRR considers symmetric low-rank representations (LRRs) to be an approximately linear spatial transformation under the new base, that is, the multiview data themselves, to fully exploit the angular information of the principal directions of LRRs, which is adopted to construct an affinity matrix for multiview subspace clustering, under a symmetric condition. MLRR takes full advantage of LRR techniques and a diversity regularization term to exploit the diversity and consistency of multiple views, respectively, and this method simultaneously imposes a symmetry constraint on LRRs. Hence, the angular information of the principal directions of rows is consistent with that of columns in symmetric LRRs. The MLRR model can be efficiently calculated by solving a convex optimization problem. Moreover, we present an intuitive fusion strategy for symmetric LRRs from the perspective of spectral clustering to obtain a compact representation, which can be shared by multiple views and comprehensively represents the intrinsic features of multiview data. Finally, the experimental results based on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of MLRR compared with several state-of-the-art multiview subspace clustering algorithms.

JieChen,Sheng xiang Yang,Hua Mao,Conor Fahy.Multiview Subspace Clustering Using Low-Rank Representation.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics( Early Access),DOI:10.1109/TCYB.2021.3087114,Date of Publication: 29 June 2021.(论文下载)