会议通知 | 四川省法学会人工智能与大数据法治研究会会员大会暨2024年年会通知
会议议程 | 四川省法学会人工智能与大数据法治研究会2023年年会暨“人工智能与数据法律风险研讨会”
会议议程|11.04 中国民商法海南冬季论坛——数据法学的当下和未来
International Journal of Electronics由四川大学计算机学院蒲亦非教授等科研人员创作,系四川大学“智慧法治”超前部署学科系列学术成果。后续会持续分享四川大学“智慧法治”超前部署学科系列学术成果,欢迎大家阅读。
A class of fractal-chain fractance approximation circuit (FCFAC) has been discussed in this paper. The FCFAC type 1 (FCFAC-1) can achieve the rational approximation of negative-half-order fractances. Changing the series and parallel connections or the positions of resistors and capacitors in FCFAC-1 produces another three FCFACs of negative-half-order. Making scaling extensions to the four original FCFACs, the scaling FCFACs can be obtained and achieve the rational approximation of fractances of arbitrary-order. The operational order, which is determined by the progression ratio of resistance α and the progression ratio of capacitance β, can be expressed as μ=−lg. The approximation performance of the scaling FCFACs has been improved and the optimised circuits are really simple. The oscillation phenomena of the frequency-domain characteristics of the scaling FCFACs have been described quantitatively. In addition, a comparison of approximation performance shows the scaling FCFACs provide a good choice in available fractance approximation circuits (FACs).
Qiu-Yan He, Yi-Fei Pu, Bo Yu, Xiao Yuan. “A Class of Fractal-Chain Fractance Approximation Circuit,” International Journal of Electronics, 2020. (论文下载)