主持国家社科基金青年项目“垄断行为救济制度的修改与完善研究”。在欧洲权威反垄断期刊World Competition、European Competition Law Review、Journal of European Competition Law and Practice等杂志发表论文7篇。
1. Yichen Yang, “The Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Authorities vs. Administrative Agencies: It’s Time to Reconstruct Their Relationship when Dealing with Administrative Monopoly in China”, (2019) Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 10(6), 379-385;
2. Yichen Yang, “Is deterrence from pecuniary sanction sufficient? A study on the active pharmaceutical ingredient sector in China”, (2019) European Competition Law Review 40(9), 417-422;
3. Yichen Yang, “How Far Can the Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Agencies Go When Adopting Commitment Decisions? The Need to Safeguard the Commitment Procedure under the Chinese Anti-monopoly Law”, (2017) Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 8(3), 178-184;
4. Yichen Yang, “Fine Setting under Chinese Anti-monopoly Law: Back to Basics”, (2016) European Competition Law Review 37(12), 493-505;
5.Yichen Yang, “Price-Related Cartels under the Chinese Anti-monopoly Law Regime: The Need to Clarify Four Substantive and Procedural Issues”, (2016) World Competition: Law and Economics Review 39(3), 479-512;