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  • 张世全
  • 职称:讲师
  • 研究领域:有限元、快速求解器、数据科学
  • 个人邮箱:shiquanzhang@scu.edu.cn
  • 办公电话:
  • 通讯地址:四川省成都市四川大学数学学院西205
  • 邮编:610064
个人简介 学术成果 新闻动态 学术交流

       张世全,男,1981年11月生于四川自贡。2000-2010年在四川大学计算数学专业攻读学士、硕士和博士,期间于2008-2009赴美国宾州州立大学师从著名数值计算专家许进超教授联合培养,2010年获四川大学计算数学博士学位。2011-2014先后在德国Fraunhofer研究院和巴黎六大从事了三年的博士后研究。2014年起至今在四川大学数学学院任讲师。主要从事锂离子电池的数值模拟、偏微分方程的离散方法和快速求解算法的设计和分析等方面的研究,主持国家级项目3项,参与中广核横向项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项,在国内外知名期刊如Journal of Computational Mathematics、Communications in Computational Physics、SIAM Multiscale Model and Simulation等发表论文多篇,同时在数学建模与数值计算方面具有丰富的经验。主讲本科生线性代数、概率统计公共课,负责吴玉章学院概率统计双语课和匹兹堡学院概率统计全英语授课,承担研究生公共课数值分析和计算机学院研究生课程现代数学基础,2016年获全国高校数学微课竞赛西南赛区一等奖。


       1. 国家重点研发计划项目“高质高效的审判支撑关键技术及装备研究”子课题(2018YFC0830303-5);

       2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“锂离子电池微观模型的降阶计算方法”(11401407);


       1. Shiquan Zhang, Xiaoping Xie and Yumei Chen. Low order nonconforming rectangular finite element methods for Darcy-Stokes problems. Journal of Computational Mathematics. 27(2-3): 400-424, 2009

       2. Shiquan Zhang and Xiaoping Xie. Accurate  8-node hybrid hexahedral elements with energy-compatible stress modes. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2(3):333-354,2010.

       3. 张世全,冯印江,童蓓蕾. 采用常应力模式的8节点组合杂交六面体有限元. 四川大学学报(自然科学版). 46(5): 1265-1230, 2009.

       4. 童蓓蕾,张世全,冯印江. 关于Pian-Sumihara杂交应力四边形元的一个等价形式. 四川大学学报(自然科学版). 46(4):857-863,2009.

       5. Oleg Iliev, Arnulf Latz, Jochen Zausch, Shiquan Zhang. On some model reduction approaches for simulations of processes in Li-ion battery. ALGORITMY 2012: 161-171.

       6. O. Iliev, A. Latz, J. Zausch and S. Zhang. An overview on the usage of some model reduction approaches for simulations of Li-ion transport in battery. Fraunhofer ITWM report, (214), 2012.

       7. X. Hu, S. Wu, X. Wu, J. Xu, C.-S.Zhang, S. Zhang, and L. Zikatanov. Combined Preconditioning with Applications in Reservoir Simulation. SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 11(2), 507-521, 2013.

       8. S. Schmidt, L. Kreußer, S. Zhang. POD-DEIM based model order reduction for a three-dimensional microscopic Li-Ion battery model. Fraunhofer ITWM report, (229), 2013.

       9. S. Zhang, O. Iliev, S. Schmidt and J. Zausch. Comparison of two approaches for treatment of the interface conditions in FV discretization of pore scale models for Li-ion batteries. Seventh International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, 731-738,2014

       10. M. Ohlberger, S. Rave, S. Schmidt and S. Zhang. A Model Reduction Framework for Efficient Simulation of Li-Ion Batteries. Seventh International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, 695-702,2014.

       11.B. Li, X. Xie and S. Zhang.  Analysis of a Two-Level Algorithm for HDG Methods for Diffusion Problems. Communications in Computational Physics, 19(5):1435-1460, 2016.

       12. B. Li, X. Xie and S. Zhang. New convergence analysis for assumed stress hybrid quadrilateral finite element method. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 22(7):2831-2856,2017.

       13. 付卫,王皓,张世全. 特征值问题的组合杂交有限元方法.四川大学学报自然科学版. 54(4): 708-712, 2017.

       14. 张敏,罗鲲,张世全. 3维Stokes问题的一种非协调-协调有限元方法.四川大学学报自然科学版. 55(1): 37-41, 2018. 

       15. Y. Yang and S. Zhang. Mixed Finite Element Methods for Elastodynamics

Problems in the Symmetric Formulation. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 10(5):1279-1304, 2018.

       16. B. Li, X. Xie and S. Zhang. BPS preconditioners for a weak Galerkin finite element method for 2D diffusion problems with strongly discontinuous coefficients. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 76:701-724, 2018.

       17. X. Zhang, X. Xie and S. Zhang. An optimal embedded discontinuous Galerkin method for second-order elliptic problems. Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 19(4):849-861, 2018

       18. 王琳,罗鲲,张世全. 四阶奇异摄动问题的弱Galerkin有限元法.四川大学学报自然科学版. 55(6): 1141-1147, 2018.

       19. B. Li, X. Xie and S. Zhang. A new smoothness result for Caputo-type fractional ordinary differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 349:408-420, 2019.